Humanfiles Journal is an online photography magazine sharing stories and work from artists around the world. If you’re a photographer and you’d like to show work, please direct us to a story or portfolio at your personal website or Instagram account. We also encourage photographers, editors, or our fan base to nominate artists that would be a good fit for this site. Use the Contact page to show us your ideas, and we’ll be happy to review and start a dialog.
Long-term studies of particular subjects to create a story told with words and images. Show us something uncommon from your part of the world.
We encourage photographers or editors to interview other photographers about bodies of work, process, lifestyle, etc. Run an idea by us!
We love strong, single images with a story attached. Many photographers like to pair an image with original poetry.
These are general bodies of work from well-established artists. The text typically includes a bio and accolades, but also pairs well with an interview.
Videos that work well on this site are usually the multimedia projects of still photographers. Experimental work encouraged.
This is a new category that we’re excited about, and we’re looking for our first story. We’re seeking stories of current events that read like reportage but are ultimately driven by a strong sequence of images. Naturally a story about the coronavirus would be an excellent example; the important criteria for this category is that the story is timely and current.
Once we’ve agreed to show work, please create a .zip file containing the following with consideration to these specifications:
- 10 to 20 jpegs for most projects
- One jpeg for Single Images
- Images must be sized 1500px on the long side
- No borders or watermarks
- Videos will be embedded from Vimeo or YouTube
- Artist’s full name
- Project title
- Project text
- Artist’s website url
- Artist’s Instagram account
Zipped files containing this information can be sent by email or
In an effort to make a story the strongest it can be, some images may be omitted and text corrected, if necessary, when English isn’t the artist’s first language. All effort will be made to keep the story intact as the artist intended.
Agreeing to share a story implies permission to use images on the Humanfiles Journal Instagram account, unless specified by the artist. Photo credit will be given on the Instagram post.
All images are the property of the artist, and cannot be reproduced, printed, or published in any way without their specific permission.